Facebook stats 2021

Top Facebook statistics every marketer should know in 2021

Facebook has become a part of our daily routine in recent years. We rarely notice that behavior, even though we check our phones, laptops every minute. Facebook has been gradually entering our lives and changing our habits. The social media channel helps us get and share the information with people easily, as well as connect with tons of users all over the world.

It has been more than 15 years since the day it launched in 2004, but the users are still increasing stably every year. During that long period of establishment, there are many significant changes have been made. If you have read our previous post about Facebook Demographic Statistics in 2021, Sisu Digital only focused on the demographic segment. In this article, we will show you the Facebook stats of other segments that everyone should know in 2021.  

1.   Facebook Demographics

  • Users 65 years and older are the fastest-growing group on Facebook
 Source: qz.com

The “Silent” generation had grown on the platform from 26% in 2018 to nearly 40% in 2019. The number of users born in 1945, aka the Silent Generation has been increasing drastically in 2019 and the beginning of 2020. This group has grown from 26% in 2018 to approximately 40% in 2019 on Facebook platform. While, Millennials and Boomers only rose at 2%, and even the reduction in Gen-Z users.

  • Fewer teens are using Facebook now than in previous years
Source: PEW Research Cente

Currently, only 51% of American teenagers between 13 and 17 years old, use Facebook. The ratio was 71% in 2015. There is a huge change in teen users on Facebook platform. There were 71% active teen users on Facebook in 2015. Five years later, the number of American teenagers between the ages of 13-17 years old who use Facebook, dropped down to 51%.

Despite the fact that the increase of older generation and the decrease of teen users on Facebook, young adults are still the dominant users on this platform occupied 65% (Statista, 2019). It is not very prevalent as 4, 5 years ago, however, Facebook remains the leading position among social media channels. Millennials and Gen-Z have become the main target audiences for most advertisers on Facebook. Understanding the demographics helps companies boost their brand effectively and gain benefits from marketing.

  •  Only 10% of Facebook users live in the US or Canada.
Monthly active users

Although Asian-Pacific users encompass nearly 41.3% of monthly active users (MAU) on Facebook, only 10.1% are the number of users in the States and Canada. However, over 48% of Facebook ad revenue is from the US and Canada. Contrary to popular belief, 69% of adults in the US said that they use Facebook (Pew Center, 2019). Despite the low ratio of global users, a lot of people in America have used Facebook. Unlike the rest of the world, 68% of those Facebook users are from the ages of 50 to 64. This is valuable information for marketers to identify the exact audience to target.  

  • 74% of high-income earners are Facebook users.
Source: PEW Research Center

Facebook users are prominent, and even surpasses LinkedIn, which hits only 49% of users earning more than $75,000. YouTube is the only social media site with 83 percent of high-income earners having greater coverage.

  • Other key demographic statistics:
    • Facebook’s global advertising audience is 43% female and 57%, male.
    • 41% of MAU are based in Asia, 16% in Europe, 10% in the US and Canada, and 33% in the rest of the world.
    • In India, the gender split in Facebook users has been particularly pronounced: Facebook users are 78% male to 22% female.

2.   Facebook Usage

  • 1.62 billion users visit Facebook daily.

According to sproutsocial, Facebook’s users stably increase every year, even though people say that they use social media less. In the US, 74% of people use Facebook every day with an average time of 37 minutes on all devices.  

  • 88% of Facebook users are on the platform to stay in contact with friends and family
Why people use Facebook in the US?

Due to the rise of migration, study abroad, and labor export, the demand for video calls has been drastically increasing. Therefore, keeping in touch with friends and family is the most popular reason for Facebook usage. Besides that, entertainment and news are also elements that keep people use Facebook regularly.

  • The highest traffic occurs mid-day Wednesday and Thursday
Source: sproutsocial

Post scheduling is one of the most important factors for every marketer and business to optimize their engagement with customers. As reported by sproutsocial, the best times to post on Facebook should be between 11 am and 2 pm on Wednesday and Thursday. During that period, brands can easily maximize their engagement and reach the most people. Certainly, depending on your industry and target audience, your reach and engagement might be different. This graph shows the general data of Facebook global engagement, you can refer to this but it’s not 100% applicable for every business. Testing your audience and create a social media content calendar will help your brand to identify the optimal times to post on each platform.

  • Facebook Stories has 300 million active users daily

In Q3 2019, there are 2.45 billion monthly active Facebook users registered, making it the largest social media platform in the world. Thanks to the huge number of users, millions of stories are posting every day. Recently, Instagram stories are kind of more popular, Facebook stories also grow significantly because users spend a lot of time on this platform.

  • 53% of adults on Facebook don’t understand how their newsfeed displays posts
Source: PEW Research Center

The older generation who use Facebook have less understanding of Facebook algorithm, so they have no idea how their newsfeed display. While 59% of users from 18 to 29 years old can partly understand how it works.  

  • Other key usage statistics:
    • The average number of Facebook friends in the US was 338 in 2014 (no more recent stat available).
    • In May 2019, 120 million fake active Facebook accounts were identified.
    • Most-liked pages on Facebook are Facebook (215 million), Samsung (160 million), and Cristiano Ronaldo (122 million).
    • The average Facebook post engagement rate is 3.42%.

3.   Facebook Ads

  • 94% of Facebook Ad revenue is from mobile
Facebook’s mobile advertising revenue

In the third quarter of 2020, Facebook’s total advertising revenue amounted to 21.22 billion U.S. dollars. However, only 6% of the revenue comes from desktop. Mobile is the main platform that Facebook focuses on ads because of the large amount of users access from mobile recently. This is also the reason that every advertiser needs to optimize their ads and content to be as mobile-friendly as possible.

  • The average price for Facebook Ads decreased by 6% in 2019
Source: WordStream

According to the study by WordStream, the average cost per click (CPC) for a Facebook ad in all industries is around $1.72. Understanding profoundly the CPC can help your business calculate the ROI and manage the budget easily. The figure shows the average CPC of each industry, you can refer to this and test with your own ads to optimize the CPC.

  • Other key ads statistics:
    • 85% of US businesses have used Facebook as a marketing platform since 2016.
    • 80.4% of social referrals to e-commerce sites come through Facebook
    • There are 7 million active advertisers on Facebook.
    • Advertising accounts for 99.9% of Facebook revenue, with mobile advertising accounting for 94%.
    • Overall Facebook Ad impressions increased 37% in 2019.

4.   Video stats

  • Mobile-friendly video generates higher engagement.

Videos are the most popular post types, occupying 11% of total Facebook posts. Due to the increasing of User Generated Content, where users create their videos mostly by phone, more and more videos have being published on social media. Therefore, mobile video ads, accouting for half of Facebook’s video revenue. In near future, businesses and advertisers need to modify their strategies to boost the mobile-friendly video creation.

  • Users watch 85% of Facebook videos without sound

Psychologically speaking, Facebook users prefer to surf the newsfeed in silence. A huge of number of videos have been made without sounds, so the users can focus more on the visual that catches their attention. If there is dialogue in your videos, subtitles will make it more understandable and convenient for viewers to follow.

  • Square Facebook videos get 35% more views than landscape videos
Average media views per video post

A case study by Buffer, indicated that square videos have more engagement than landscape videos in both likes and engagement. Additionally, the research found that the cost is reduced approximately 7.5% to get engagement with square videos than landscape videos on mobile and desktop. Facebook also inspires creators and advertisers to create videos with the mobile-friendly format to maximize the engagement.

  • Other key video statistics:
    • Facebook users watch 100 million hours of video content on Facebook per day.
    • The most common reasons to use Facebook are to view photos (65% of users), to share content with users’ networks (57%), and to watch videos (46%).
    • Engagement rates for videos are the highest, at 6.04%, posting a link (2.78%), and a status (1.66%).
    • Facebook users are 4x more likely to watch live streams than recorded videos.

Understand these stats will help your business find out the best strategy for Facebook marketing in 2021. It will be a huge advantage for every company to develop their plan.

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