You’ve had a group of experts on standby ready to do what you or your customer desires.
We have actually got the content edits covered so that you concentrate on the more splendid work.
Our team of developers and also engineers become your team from day one. They’re offered 24/7 to deal with your website.
From releasing new pages, adding brand-new items, editing galleries, and so on, your clients will be more than happy to recognize they can trust us for quality and effectiveness.
What’s considered a content edit?
A content edit is something that takes 30 minutes or much less to deal with and can typically be managed within the admin panel of your website.
For example: editing content like a blog post, WooCommerce items, pages, etc., modifying menus and widgets, mounting and activating plugins, and so on.
Have a lot more intricate issues? Not a problem!
We’re happy to fix more difficult concerns and, after that, discuss what kind of resolutions we can use to best fit your requirements.
(Please note these types of requests might require a longer resolution time).
Super simple workflow
- Send an email: contact us via email to request the content edit service. Express your objectives and requirements.
- Review your request: we want to ensure we got all the necessary information and then distribute it to a developer to finish it within a day.
- Inform you: we will let you know when the task is completed. Hopefully, you can convey your feelings to the world on how you enjoy our Website Updates & Support service.