Reactroni turundusstrateegia
Täielik turunduslahendus ägedalt kasvavale idufirmale. Toetasime Reactroni turuanalüüsiga, turundusstrateegia väljatöötamisega, seejärel vaatasime veebilehe ja sisu tulemuslikkuse üle SEO-suunitlusega.
“We are very happy with Sisu Digital’s service and appreciate their genuine interest towards AFL business. We started using their marketing services one year ago and we know we are in good hands. Daniel and his team at Sisu Digital team have helped us a lot in branding and media. Most importantly, they have helped build up a solid marketing system that continuously brings us new leads on automation 24/7, which is the reason we turned to them in the first place. We enjoy our partnership with them and would highly recommend the team to similar projects.”
Jani Kaulo, CEO at Asia-Finland Law Consulting Oy
Asia-Finland Law Consulting a Helsinki-based Finnish law consulting firm that has operated since 2007. They are a strong consulting team with not only a solid legal background, but also a business mindset and understanding business cultures in Finland and Vietnam. One of their key service is to help talented Vietnamese specialists and their families relocate to Finland.
There is a trend and with it, a demand from Vietnamese young middle-income households to relocate their families to countries outside of Vietnam, especially to Europe. Finland, as a country, has a strong brand in Vietnam as the “Happiest country in the world” and with excellent early childhood education. However there are misconceptions involved in life and the relocation process to Finland, for example, “there is no direct route”, “you have to first go to Latvia”, or “buying a restaurant business would guarantee you a prestigious life as a business owner”. How do we break through those misperceptions? How do we bridge the people to the right person who thinks of their interests? How do we attract more Vietnamese talents to Finnish job market and help them relocate to Finland with their family successfully?
This is the problem AFL is trying to solve.
They already offer Relocation service, but they’d want to develop further and in a more systematic way. However, the company has no in-house marketing person, and the consultants do the job themselves. Knowing that they cannot handle this job well, they turn to Sisu Digital to be their marketing partner.
The AFL team came to us with such specific digital marketing requests including Google ads and Facebook management. However, we advise the client to take a step back to see if those specific tactics are what will truly help AFL reach the goal, if yes, what their specific roles are in the big marketing picture and if there are other tactics that could work in conjunction with them. We decided to first sit down and do marketing strategy workshops where we learn about AFL’s target customers, and based on that knowledge we figured out what message we should talk to them and where we should be present to reach them. Only after we have in hand AFL strategy and marketing plan did we start execution.
Based on the client’s needs and budget, we provided a wide range of services:
The outcomes are:
Täielik turunduslahendus ägedalt kasvavale idufirmale. Toetasime Reactroni turuanalüüsiga, turundusstrateegia väljatöötamisega, seejärel vaatasime veebilehe ja sisu tulemuslikkuse üle SEO-suunitlusega.
Me muudame ettevõtte veebisaidi ja veebiliidese, mis pakub AR, VR, interaktiivseid lahendusi turunduseks ja müügiks, õppimiseks ja töötamise abistamiseks. Kui veebidisain on teie mure, võtke meiega konsulteerimiseks ühendust.
Me ehitasime OpenOceani veebisaidi nullist uuesti üles. Tulemuseks on värske, kaasaegne ja funktsionaalne veebisait, mis aitab neil paremini jõuda oma sihtrühmani.
It has come to our attention that some individuals are falsely using our name, Sisu Digital to scam people on Telegram. We want to make it clear that we have no connection with these scammers, nor do we endorse their actions. We do not offer any shady, questionable jobs or hire people for such activities. If you encounter any suspicious activity, report it immediately. We are not responsible for any consequences if you follow the scammers. Be smart and take care of yourself!
See veebisait kasutab küpsiseid, et saaksime pakkuda teile parimat võimalikku kasutajakogemust. Küpsiste andmed salvestatakse teie brauserisse ja täidavad selliseid funktsioone nagu teie äratundmine, kui te meie veebisaidile tagasi pöördute, ning aitavad meie meeskonnal mõista, milliseid veebisaidi osi te kõige huvitavamaks ja kasulikumaks peate.
Rangelt vajalik küpsis peaks olema alati sisse lülitatud, et me saaksime salvestada teie eelistusi küpsiste seadete osas.
Kui te keelate selle küpsise, ei saa me teie eelistusi salvestada. See tähendab, et iga kord, kui külastate seda veebisaiti, peate küpsised uuesti lubama või keelama.
Kasutame küpsiseid, et parandada kasutajakogemust, analüüsida meie liiklust, personaliseerida meie reklaami ja sisu ning pakkuda sotsiaalmeedia funktsioone.
Palun lubage esmalt rangelt vajalikud küpsised, et me saaksime teie eelistusi salvestada!